Moleanalyzer pro performance – Different melanoma subtypes and localisations

Man against machine reloaded: performance of a market-approved convolutional neural network in classifying a broad spectrum of skin lesions in comparison with 96 dermatologists working under less artificial conditions

Man against machine

FotoFinder Moleanalyzer Pro with AI

The accompanying study: Man against Machine The AI score of the Moleanalyzer pro was evaluated by Prof. Dr. med. Holger Hänßle and Dr. med. Christine Fink at the Heidelberg University, Department of Dermatology. The corresponding study “Man against machine” proves the high accuracy of the score. Read all about the results of the study and … Read more

Fotofinder ATBM finds the World’s smallest published melanoma

Fotofinder finds the smallest published melanoma on the planet

FotoFinder Australia is proud to congratulate Prof. Cliff Rosendahl of Capalaba General Practice who, together with his colleagues and associates, has this week published a report documenting the World’s smallest published melanoma in the International Journal of Dermatology. With a program of three-month follow-ups using FotoFinder bodystudio ATBM, including bodyscan and Fotofinder dermoscope using medicam 1000, … Read more

The role of dermoscopy and digital dermoscopy follow-up in the clinical diagnosis of melanoma

The role of dermoscopy and digital dermoscopy follow-up in the clinical diagnosis of melanoma: clinical and dermoscopic features of 99 consecutive primary melanomas

The role of dermoscopy and digital dermoscopy follow-up in the clinical diagnosis of melanoma clinical and dermoscopic features of 99 consecutive primary melanomas Gabriel Salerni (1,2), Teresita Terán (3), Carlos Alonso (1,2), Ramón Fernández-Bussy (1) 1 Hospital Provincial del Centenario de Rosario, Argentina, & Faculty of Medicine, Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina 2 Diagnóstico Médico … Read more

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